
Job Resource Center

We are pleased to announce the creation of a Job Resource Center at the library. We have pulled together a print collection of books on conducting a job search, on resume and cover letter writing, and interview techniques. Some of the books you will find include a Guide to Internet Job Searching 2009-2009, and a Gallery of Best Resumes. There are also guides to using Word 2003 to help facilitate producing a professional looking cover letter and resume.

We have gathered a group a reputable web sites to help in your job search, and have dedicated one of our Internet computers to having the sites easily accessible. Microsoft Office 2003 is available on most of the library computers, linked to a copier that produces professional looking documents.

The books we have selected are all current copyrights, which means you will find the most up-to-date information that is available. The books can be checked out for ONE WEEK, and will be shelved in a centralized location so they will be easy to find.

If there are resources you need that you do not see, please make sure you let library staff know. We are dedicated to helping our community recover from this economic downturn.

A good starting place is at Ohio Means Jobs.

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